

Patty Wiens joins a growing global network of volunteer changemakers representing more than 120 cities in over 30 countries as the Bicycle Mayor of Winnipeg, Canada. 

Bicycle Mayors work with government, industry, activists, and residents to uncover the economic, societal, health, and environmental benefits that increased cycling can bring. Bicycle Mayors are selected for a period of two years during which they focus on addressing the main barriers to increasing cycling in their cities. 

“As Bicycle Mayor of Winnipeg, I want to elevate, educate and change attitudes towards all cyclists in this city, focusing on those using bicycles as a mode of transportation, even if only occasionally,” Wiens said. “My passion for cycling led me to engage in advocacy work and I joined the Board of Directors of Bike Winnipeg, where I enjoy contributing to this work as editor of our weekly newsletter,” she added. 

Formerly a fair-weather cyclist, Wiens, with the support of her partner and the local cycling community, discovered the joy and freedom of riding year-round. She overcame challenges, including cold weather and snowy conditions, by embracing e-bikes and documenting her experiences on her YouTube channel to help others on the same journey. She’s also been part of successfully advocating for improvements to snow clearing on trails and bike lanes.

“I’ve come a long way in my cycling journey. Being Bicycle Mayor of Winnipeg is the next step in sharing what I have learned so that I can help make cycling a better, safer and more joyful activity others can take part in, too,” Wiens said.