
City Wide Policy Priorities

Bike Winnipeg has put together a number of policy and infrastructure recommendations that we hope can be moved forward in the current term of council and under the new provincial government.

Adopt Policies to Get More People Walking and Cycling

Adopt a Vision Zero Policy

Improve Accommodation of People on Foot & Bikes During Construction Work

Include New or Improved Walking & Cycling Connections in Developer Agreements

Maintain Our Walking and Cycling Networks Year Round

Maintain Winnipeg’s Walking & Cycling Networks in Winter

Reinstate Fall Street Sweeping

Prioritize Line Painting on Streets with Bike Lanes

Fund the Development of Winnipeg’s Walking and Cycling Network

Make Development of the Walking & Cycling Networks a Federal Funding Priority

Increase Funding for Regional & Local Streets Sidewalk Renewals

Create a Pedestrian & Cycling Program Crossing Reserve

Adopt & Fund a Monitoring Program to Focus Investments

Get More People Walking and Cycling

Establish a Targeted Marketing/Individualized Marketing Campaign

Continue and Expand Funding for BEST Program

Continue & Expand Funding for The W.R.E.N.C.H.

Provide Staffing Needed to Implement Pedestrian & Cycling Strategies