With the September 25th announcement that Manitoba’s public health officials will be elevating the #RestartMB Pandemic Response System level for the Winnipeg Metropolitan Region to Restricted (orange) effective Sept. 28, we have decided to cancel all remaining rides for 2020 to maintain the safety of our staff, volunteers, patrons, and community.
Thanks to everyone who has registered for the event, we are ever hopeful that we can make this happen in the spring, but for now we need to put safety first and cancel the rides.
To the uninitiated, getting to campus by bike can be a daunting challenge. Fortunately, Winnipeg’s growing bike network provides a number of safe, comfortable connections to the Fort Garry campus that can make the ride to and from University a highlight of your day. Our two upcoming Connections to Campus rides are your opportunity to discover the connections that will get you riding to campus.
Hop on your bike and join Bike Winnipeg and UMCycle on a casually paced ride from the U of M’s Fort Garry Campus to The Forks that will help you find your cycling connection to campus. Our route to The Forks will take us along key low stress bike routes leading into the Fort Garry Campus while pointing out important east/west connections along our route.
Including a quick orientation on services provided at the UMCycle Bike Kisok, an overview of bike parking and end of trip facilities at the Fort Garry Campus, and stops to talk about connections along our route, the ride will take about 2 hours to reach The Forks (its much quicker without all of the stops).

Ride Dates & Registration
Date: Tuesday, September 29th Start: 4:45 pm @ UMCycle
(Curry Pl @ Sidney Smith) Length: 16.5kms
End: 6:45pm @ The Forks
Cost: Free
Register Now!
The Western Edition ride will explore bike routes leading into campus on the west side of the Red River.
Western Connections
- Pembina Strip
- Waverley Heights
- Bridgwater Forest
- Linden Woods
- East Fort Garry
- Maybank
- Beaumont
- Fort Rouge
- Lord Roberts/Riverview
- River Heights
- Wolseley
- West Broadway
- Downtown
Connecting Routes
- Bishop Grandin Greenway
- McGillivray Pathway
- Waverley Pathway
- Taylor Pathway
- Churchill Pathway
- Elm Park Bridge
- Thundering Bison Pathway
- Harrow Bike Lanes
- Warsaw/Nassau/Roslyn Neighbourhood Greenway
- Wellington Crescent Open Street
- Wolseley Ave Open Street
- Sherbrook/Maryland protected bike lanes
- Downtown Protected Bike Lanes
Major Destinations
- Grant Park Shopping Centre
- Pan Am Pool
- Downtown
- The Forks
Date: Wednesday, Sept. 30th Start: 4:45 pm @ UMCycle
Curry Pl @ Sidney Smith
Length: 16.5kms
End: 6:45pm @ The Forks
Cost: Free
Register Now!
The Eastern Edition ride will explore bike routes leading into campus on the east side of the Red River.
Eastern Connections
- Pembina Strip
- Pulberry
- Worthington
- St. George
- Lavalee
- NIakwa Place
- Southdale
- Niakwa Park
- Windsor Park
- Glenwood
- Norwood
- St. Boniface
Connecting Routes
- Bishop Grandin Greenway
- Dakota/Dunkirk Pathway
- St. George St.
- Niakwa Trail
- Archibald Pathway
- Egerton/Youville Open Street
- Eugenie Neighbourhood Greenway
- Rue St. Jean Baptiste
- Notre Dame/Laverendrye Ave
Major Destinations
- St. Vital Park
- St. Vital Centre
- St. Boniface Hospital
- Whittier Park
- The Forks
Registration Links
- Western Edition – Tuesday, September 29th – 4:45 pm – 6:45 pm
- Eastern Edition – Wednesday, September 30th – 4:45pm – 6:45pm
COVID-19 Precautions
To help ensure the safety of our ride participants, volunteers, and staff, we will be asking everyone to maintain a 2m distance between each other at stops and while riding. Sites have been selected to ensure space for social distancing, and we have limited ride sizes. If you are experiencing any symptoms, we ask that you please stay home. Finally, please note that we are not requesting the mandatory use of masks during our rides.