Bike Winnipeg’s bike counts from 2007 to 2016 indicate that: On a typical weekday in mid to late spring, an estimated 6,000 cyclists commuted in and out of the downtown area of Winnipeg, and throughout the…
We are happy to release the 2015 Winnipeg Bicycle Counts Report, which provides a summary of the 86 counts conducted at 25 sites across Winnipeg in the spring of 2015. There is strong evidence that…
In a quick survey last week, Bike Winnipeg found that many Winnipeg civic candidates and cyclists agree that the City’s infrastructure should encourage cycling as a year-around alternative to travelling by car. The survey was…
Volunteers from Bike Winnipeg have been conducting spring counts of bicycle traffic since 2007 in order to provide solid information about the numbers of commuter cyclists in Winnipeg based on direct observation. During April, May…