The first Bike for the Future event of 2023 was an immense success with a turnout of approximately 80 people. As Ian Walker, one of the organizers, approached the fountain on the South Side of the Manitoba Legislative grounds, he was surprised to find a crowd of biking climate action fighters already gathering, half an hour ahead of the scheduled start time.
The threat of rain never materialized as the group comprised of riders of various ages rode the 12+ Km route through Downtown Winnipeg.
We would love to have you come out to our next Bike For the Future event on June 11m during Bike Week. Check out our Events Calendar, sign up for our Newsletter and if you haven’t become a member of Bike Winnipeg yet, consider this your call to action. Check this page for the benefits and sign up today!
Our next immediate event happens this Saturday: Motherload Movie – Cargo Bike and Trailer Test Rides. Come on out, watch the movie, experience a ride on a cargo bike and enjoy some vegan eats by Bright Side Kitchen Food Truck.