
Calling All Members!

You know how I always go on about becoming a member so that we can keep our advocacy going, right? And sure, you also get the cool discounts you get at some local bike shops and even a deal with Peg City Car Coop. Sound familiar, like the refrain from your favourite Taylor Swift song? Well, now there are two more “verses” to add! Two bike shops have reached out to Bike Winnipeg and joined our roster!

This past year, Popeyes Cycle and Sports took over space at 1601 Pembina Hwy at Chevrier, and is offering 12% off parts and accessories, and 15% off labour. Thanks to Popeyes for stepping on board!

And last week we also heard from Corydon Cycle at 755 Corydon. Just as members of the cycling community were working toward restoring the Rob Jenner Ghost bike after it was vandalized, Ethan from the shop reached out and generously offered to fix the bike! Within four hours of my partner Ian and me dropping the bike off, Ethan put new wheels and tires on, plus pedals, and basically welded the whole bike together, painted the new parts, and put the bike back in place on Wellington and Cockburn. That’s a true member of our community right there, friends! Corydon Cycle will honour the 10% discount the previous owner had offered. 

To give you an idea of how great this deal is, when one of our members bought panniers a while back, with just that one purchase, the Bike Winnipeg member discount covered the cost of TWO YEARS of membership. So no, don’t wait, don’t even take time to put on your friendship bracelets (just kidding, you go ahead and do that first) and sign up as a member here for a win-win!