

This week, the City of Winnipeg launched its new free bike registry service with Project 529 Garage.Our bike commuting Mayor, Scott Gillingham announced it with a whole video on his Instagram and we’re proud to say that our Bike Theft Prevention working group had a lot to do with making that happen.Go to Project529.com or download the 529 Garage app on your phone to register your bike, for free, in minutes. This will connect your bike to a global network of law enforcement, bike retailers and bike advocates who are passionate about preventing bike theft and reuniting stolen bikes with their owners.One of the great things about this compared to the old City of Winnipeg registration, is that this is a global network, so your bike will be in a database that can be searched all over the world. Oh and did we mention it’s free? You can also get a sticker to put on your bike if you want, and that you can buy at your local bike shop.